The Breaching Experiment is an ongoing musical exploration. Sociological metal, eclectic, apocalyptic, political and personal, furious, with an anti-fascist heart.
Listen and download releases for free at Bandcamp.
Six tracks of raw, slow black metal. The lyrics deal with the cycles in and out of depression. From falling into the darkness, to realizing that the ”clarity” you think you saw when being at the bottom of a pit wasn’t true at all, to again questioning whether the clarity outside the pit isn’t just pretend and make-believe, to falling into that same old pit once more. And how we may need someone to pull us out before we get stuck down there.
Performed by Christian Ståhl
We are destroying biotopias in search for cheap packaging for our endless online shopping frenzies. Our capitalist era is a necrotopia. But every social form may be dismantled, killed, or at least fundamentally reformed. It is time to commit morphocide.
Lead guitar by Marcus Borggren
Drums by Mike Cameron Force
All other instruments performed by Christian Ståhl
A development of Hartmut Rosa's theory of resonance, this album is an exploration of the potential of finding resonance with and in death. This is illustrated through eight black metal tracks, with musical and lyrical nods to Mayhem and Darkthrone.
Performed by Christian Ståhl.
A black metal album with lyrics in Swedish dealing with sickness, death, grief and depression.
Performed by Christian Ståhl.
Cover art: Otto Marseus van Schrieck, Still Life with Thistle and Snake
A cover of Portishead's track Over, reimagined as a black metal tune.
Performed by Christian Ståhl. Written by Adrian Utley, Beth Gibbons and Geoff Barrow.
A musical experiment in A Minor (and Major).
Written and performed by Christian Ståhl.
Cover art by Thomas Klintecorn.
A death metal EP with themes spanning the various borders between utopia and dystopia.
Written and performed by Christian Ståhl.
Lead guitar by Marcus Borggren.
An album about an old Swedish village, Gusum, telling stories about the people, the mill, and the tension between labor and capital.
Read the full release notes and lyrics here (in Swedish).
Written and performed by Christian Ståhl, exept the song Genomfartsled, written by Thomas Klintecorn and performed by Thomas Klintecorn and Christian Ståhl.
Cover art by Anna-Carin Fagerlind Ståhl.
An EP with slow and moody music, which lyrically varies lamentations of climate and policy developments with an analysis and illustration of Marx's formula for how capitalism makes profit, and how this is translated into the living conditions of workers.
Christian Ståhl: All instruments, vocals and drum programming.
Cover art by Anna-Carin Fagerlind Ståhl.
An album of eight black metal-infused songs, musically shifting between blastbeats, doomy lows and one or two rock anthem influences. Lyrically, the songs circle broadly around internal and external anxiety, from the closest relationships to general political lamentations.
Christian Ståhl: All instruments, vocals and drum programming
A video for the track The Bloody Machine of Robespierre:
The album E.O.W. is a work of sociological metal, based on Erik Olin Wright's book Envisioning Real Utopias. It was released in 2019.
Read the full release notes and lyrics here.
All instruments, vocals and drum programming performed by Christian Ståhl, with the following exceptions:
This single was released in 2019, with the original tracks released in 2013 and 2014, respectively. Lyrics are inspired by Doris Lessing's Shikasta series and the political landscape in Europe and elsewhere.
Christian Ståhl: Guitars, bass, drums, vocals
Doug Gross: Narration
Thomas Klintecorn: Noise
This EP focuses on rhythms and bass lines, and lyrics around climate change, poetry, space and politics.
Christian Ståhl: Bass VI, vocals and drum programming
Thomas Klintecorn: Bass VI
This album is musically a punk-rock endeavor. The lyrics deal with political issues such as climate change, work and welfare, populist politics and online bullying.
Christian Ståhl: Guitars, bass, vocals
Anna-Carin Fagerlind Ståhl: Vocals
Linus Melchiorsen: Drums
A video for the track Arbetslinjen:
A rendering of Spock's Theme from the Star Trek episode "Amok Time", played on some far-off planet: